Discover a hidden technique to feel energized and revitalized. Increase your personal supply of chi energy now by carrying a chi card. Try it free for 24 hours. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Request 24 hour trial card by now Clicking here Once you've recognized the power that the chi cards will bring into your life, subscribe to the card by clicking on subscribe above. If you already have the chi cards, your next step is simple: Learn about how the filters are an extra help. I'm now offering digital downloads of the filter packs. You can print the filters out and carry them with your chi card to experience the extra benefit of trend energies.  In this image, I'm using a chi card, the ceg 1000 chi generator, and a powerful intuition filter (found within the super learning intelligence filter pack) to charge my morning coffee
Check out my stan store to order all 9 filter packs and receive the download automatically. You can also sign up there to receive a free download of the AOD 48 filter pack. Life Manifestations Stan Store
Filter Packs Digital Download Options
Astrology Pack Digital Download Filter Pack $20.00 This download contains the following filters:
Background Images: Astrological Houses backgrounds
Elements: Air, Earth, Fire, Water
All 12 Houses
Planets: Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Moon, Neptune, Pluto, Saturn, Sun, Uranus, Venus
Signs: Aquarius, Aries, Cancer, Capricorn, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Pisces, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Taurus, Virgo
Astrology Pack Digital Download $20.00
Alphabet of Desire Digital Download Filter Pack $20.00 This download contains the following filters:
Gain Favors, Friendship ,Charisma, Excellent Teamwork, Self Trust, Find a Good Job
Help with Completion, Balance/Harmony, Stress Relief, Energy, Overcome Fatigue, Strength/ Energy/ Vitality
Securing Success, Optimism and Success, Solve Problems, Gambling Luck, Money, A New Love
Solidify Love, Erotic Thoughts, Artistic Success, Overcome Worry, Calm Emotions, Protection from Physical Danger
Reverse Evil, Destroys Plots and Tricks, Highly Tuned Instincts, Concentration, Inspire Creativity, Power of Persuasion
Leave Undesirable Situation, Aid Meditation, Increase Ability to Project, Mental Healing, Improve Domestic Relations, Physical Energy
Spiritual Strength, Escape Danger, Control Anger, Avoid Unwanted Person, Change of Luck, Good Fortune
Safe Journey, Divorce/Leave Lover, Increase Intelligence, Comfort Sorrows and Suffering, Win a Lawsuit, Help a Child AOD 48 Digital Download $20.00
Attack/Defense Digital Download Filter Pack $10.00
This Filter Pack Download includes the following filters:
Calms Turbulence,
Reverse Evil,
Protection from Physical Danger,
Destroys Plots and Tricks,
Solve Problems,
Blasting Glyph,
Devil Trap,
Positive Pragmatic Attitude,
Hinder Sorcerers from Operating,
Discover any Magick,
Undo any Magic,
Cause Army to Appear,
Emotional Outbursts,
Chaos Bomb,
Cause Insanity,
Confusion/Poor Decision,
Cause Uncontrollable Lust,
Attack/Defense Filter Pack Digital Download $10.00
Business/Money Digital Download Filter Pack $10.00
This Digital Filter Pack includes the following filters:
Power of Persuasion,
Excellent Teamwork,
Safe, Prosperous, Enjoyable Travelling,
Helps with Completion,
Gain Favors,
Business Secrets,
Know True from False Friends,
Brainstorming Sessions,
Find Trouble Areas,
Foresight Evaluation,
Inspire Workforce,
Artistic Success,
Business Success,
Draw Conclusion,
Influence Masses,
Self Confidence,
Secure Success,
Succeed Effortlessly
Business Money Filter Pack Digital Download $10.00
Energy Digital Download Filter Pack $10.00
This filter pack includes the following images:
Muscle Strength Vitality,
Rejuvenation/Fast Recovery,
Cell Regeneration/Fast Recovery,
Speed Aggression,
Relaxation/Stress Relief,
Emotional calm and strength,
overcome fatigue,
discipline in training,
boost muscle, more reps,
boost specific sports skills,
boost fat burning,
counteract food advertising,
enjoy regular workouts,
enjoy dietary discipline,
restful sleep,
autogenic training booster
Energy Filter Pack Digital Download $10.00
Gambling Digital Download Filter Pack $10.00
This filter pack includes the following images:
self confidence,
positive attitude towards gambling,
run gambling like a business,
ease worries fears and tension,
block magick coming from others,
correct intuition, correct insights,
success with prediction systems,
powerful psychic skills,
connect with honest bookie,
blackjack, poker, card game skills,
roulette skills,
casino in general,
dog race betting,
horse race betting,
sports betting,
state lotteries,
private gambling card game skills,
stock market gambling skills,
opponents are nervous,
cause losing streaks
Gambling Filter Pack Digital Download $10.00
Legal Digital Download Filter Pack $10.00
This filter pack includes the following images:
Legal Success,
Attract Important Witnesses,
Eliminate Witnesses,
Attract Good Lawyer,
Attract Bad Lawyer,
Affection of Judge,
Successful Bribe,
Cause Person to Look Good,
Cause People to Look Bad,
Sow Hostility and Quarrels,
Influence Others,
Gain Important Evidence,
Eliminate Evidence,
Power of Persuasion,
Discover Secrets,
Distinguish true from false friends,
find out about secret operations,
achieve flexibility,
avoid lawsuit,
avoid mistakes,
foul up lawyer,
hostility lawyer to client,
intense hatred of judge
Legal Success Filter Pack Digital Download $10.00
People Skills Digital Download Filter Pack $10.00
This filter pack includes the following images:
Insights Knowledge,
Self Assertive,
Magnetic Appeal,
Quick Response,
Communication Skills,
Public Speaking,
Political Leadership,
Negotiation Skills,
Others Perform for me,
intuitive insights,
enthusiastic leadership,
persuasion demagogics,
excellent teamwork,
attract friends,
enjoy people
People Skills Filter Pack Digital Download $10.00
Sex Pack Digital Download Filter Pack $10.00
This filter pack includes the following images:
thrillingly romantic,
irresistible to others,
magnetic appeal,
project strength,
project security,
wild abandon lust,
female power erotic,
male power erotic,
erotic thoughts,
attract partner,
a new love,
solidify love,
for a special love,
for adulteries,
marital love,
emotional outbursts
Sex Pack Filter Pack Digital Download $10.00
Super Learning Intelligence Pack Digital Download Filter Pack $10.00
This filter pack includes the following images:
poetry and writing skills,
musical talent,
visual arts,
basic scientific understanding,
high science comprehension,
mathematical skills,
creative high tech,
pass tests,
wisdom and knowledge,
boost intelligence,
quick comprehension of new concepts,
fun in learning,
ability to learn fast,
easy learning of languages,
increase mental energy,
achieve consistency,
powerful intuition,
communicate inspiration,
Super Learning Intelligence Pack Filter Pack Digital Download $10.00
All 9 filter packs Digital Download $50.00 This includes, AOD48, Attack/Defense Pack, Business/Money Pack, Energy Pack, Gambling Pack, Legal Success Pack, People Skills Pack, Sex Pack, Super Learning Intelligence Pack. That's 9 Packs for the Price of 5!
Join us on the online community (you can find me there as renny79)and learn more about what chi cards and the basic manifestation program or filters have to offer you. You can make changes in your life.
Imagine what your life will be like with the power of a continuous supply of chi energy and the basic manifestation program. Think about it, but don't think too long:  Basic Manifestation Program Special Offer: $99.00